Ecoreps - TRU Waste to Energy Pyrolysis
Waste to Energy Pyrolysis
Ecoreps specialises in the ground breaking eco-innovation including pyrolysis of waste into energy
The Thermal Recovery Unit (TRU) is a patented true pyrolysis technology.
The TRU utilises efficient, continuous and controlled temperature pyrolysis to sublimate waste streams such as:
*Agricultural Waste
- Tyres
- Plastic
- Medical waste
- Green waste
- Treated timber
- Bio-solids
Waste streams can be converted to:
- Biochar
- Industrial heat
- Steam
- Electricity
The Thermal Recovery Unit is capable of safe, controlled and continuous operation and is designed to process waste 24/7 with minimal downtime for maintenance and cleaning.
Due to the decomposition of the waste in the absence of oxygen, there is no smoke, odour or soot. Emissions meet all standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and other regulatory agencies.